Initial Stats
The initial website performance score for Mobile and Desktop was 52 and 81 respectively (checked with PageSpeed Insights).

We needed a quick fix for this issue, here’s what we did.
The Real Game
- Firstly, we minified CSS and JS using WP Rocket Plugin. Minification speeds up the loading of a webpage, helping improve the overall website experience.

- Secondly, we disabled WordPress Dashicons and Feed URLs. This also helped our website to load faster.

- Enabled Script Manager using the Perfmatters Plugin and disabled some scripts from the Home Page.

- Enabled Lazy Loading and excluded the first 4 images from being lazy loaded – so it doesn’t break the design in the first contact.

- We implemented a JavaScript execution delay of 7 seconds to speed up the website.

- Lastly, we enabled the Preload cache.

All of the above steps took just 5 minutes, and the website’s performance score is now 92 on Mobile and 99 on Desktop.

Thank you for your attention!
We’re available for new projects! Drop us a line at